
Showing posts from May, 2020

We Sippin Tonight: Drunk Blog- Why Girls Go for Assholes Instead of Good Guys

This has been a thought in my mind for the past few days. I have been going over the idea again and again in my head. Girls always say they want a nice guy, but yet when the change from the assholes to nice guys happens the nice guys are mostly regarded as weird. Why? Why does this happen? Meet the perfect guy for you and to cast them off for the next piece of poop that comes your way. Why? My (drunken) opinion on this is that we as humans are people of routine. We fall into a routine and become accustomed to the results. Mostly being disappointing and ghosting when it comes to dating jerks. Yet, when that one person who treats you right comes into your life and doesn't do that it makes you uncomfortable. You're not used to someone that wants to stay. You are not used to someone who actually gives a damn so you do not know how to react. What do you say? I might do more on this when I sober, but right now my tipsy butt needs to be in bed to get ready for my (sometimes im