What's In My Cup

I drink black coffee. Plain and simple black coffee. No sweetener, sugar, or Splenda of any kind. Not a drop of milk no matter the kind. Just straight up black coffee. 

Ironically, this is also how I want people to talk to me: with the straight truth. I don’t mind the bitter. I prefer the truth. It’s hard to swallow at first, but when you adjust to the taste it makes it easier. This is how I plan on telling my personal stories; with every ounce of truth I can give.

Starting with my story. I’ll start with the basics and over time give you more. My name is Stefanie. Yes, it is spelled with an F. My mother wanted to be different when naming me so she replaced the ph with an F. 

I went to school for Television/Film. It is my second love and one of the many things I enjoy to do. So I may go back and forth between blogging/vlogging. Depends, which one I am in the mood for that day.

There will be more to come soon… 

Videos, Words, and all.




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